Inner Sight
Maximize your Body’s full potential to stay Healthy
Minimum Age Eligibility: 45 years
What is Inner Sight?
As we grow older, our bodies may experience physical and mental changes that can be challenging to deal with. However, awareness of the self can help us navigate these changes and maintain our well-being and quality of life.
Inner Sight is a holistic approach to ageing that emphasizes the cultivation of awareness, presence, newness and compassion towards oneself together.
This approach is a blend of multiple scientifically proven tools that have been researched and developed by our founder Mr. Repudaman Chhabra who has been practicing and delivering lectures about mindfulness and awareness across the globe.
Repudaman is the founder of The Mind Research Foundation that has worked with more than 15,000 individuals and helped them come out of different life issues over the past 9 years.
Our Four Pillars
Positive Pschology
Thought Centric Approach
Mindfulness-Based Interventions
How does it work?
Start Discussing
We start with a series of one to one discussions asking you relevant life questions using different connection libraries that help us understand you. These discussions are held face to face at any of our 15 locations closest to you and last 60-90 minutes.
Artificial Intelligence
All discussions go into our Artificial Intelligence system that allows us to verify and calibrate our understanding of you.
We start the process of introspection that connects you better with your inner being. This gives you more awareness about your body and the Being allowing you to connect with it.
Research Library
Mindful Aging: The Effects of Regular Brief Mindfulness Practice on Electrophysiological Markers of Cognitive and Affective Processing in Older Adults
There is growing interest in the potential benefits of mindfulness meditation practices in terms of counteracting some of the cognitive effects associated with aging. Pursuing this question, the aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of mindfulness training on executive control and emotion regulation in older adults, by means of studying behavioral and electrophysiological changes. Participants, 55 to 75 years of age, were randomly allocated to an 8-week mindful breath awareness training group or an active control group engaging in brain training exercises. Before and after the training period, participants completed an emotional-counting Stroop task, designed to measure attentional control and emotion regulation processes. Concurrently, their brain activity was measured by means of 64-channel electroencephalography. The results show that engaging in just over 10 min of mindfulness practice five times per week resulted in significant improvements in behavioral (response latency) and electrophysiological (N2 event-related potential) measures related to general task performance. Analyses of the underlying cortical sources (Variable Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography, VARETA) indicate that this N2-related effect is primarily associated with changes in the right angular gyrus and other areas of the dorsal attention network. However, the study did not find the expected specific improvements in executive control and emotion regulation, which may be due to the training instructions or the relative brevity of the intervention. Overall, the results indicate that engaging in mindfulness meditation training improves the maintenance of goal-directed visuospatial attention and may be a useful strategy for counteracting cognitive decline associated with aging.
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain
“Mindful aging is accepting and embracing changes that are an inevitable part of growing old. It means not denying that there are negative aspects of getting older, but also recognizing and focusing on the positive aspects of aging, of which there are many. When we age mindfully, we make the most of every day we’re alive and appreciate that we won’t be around forever.”
Self-compassionate Aging: A Systematic Review
There is considerable heterogeneity in experiences of aging, with some experiencing greater well-being and adapting more successfully to the challenges of aging than others. Self-compassion is a modifiable psychological skill that might help explain individual differences in well-being and adjustment in later life. The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature on self-compassion and well-being outcomes in studies of older adults aged 65 and older.
Positive perception of aging is a key predictor of quality-of-life in aging people
We conducted a cross-sectional survey in France in a cohort over 55 years of age to characterize the impact of psychological dimensions on quality-of-life (QoL).
Psychosocial Determinants of Quality of Life and Active Aging. A Structural Equation Model
Population aging is the 21st century’s predominant demographic event. The old-age dependency ratio is projected to rise sharply in the next decades. Variables of health-related quality of life can be useful in designing interventions for promoting active aging to prevent dependency and save governments’ budgets. This study aims to find a model capable of explaining how psychosocial variables are related to improved quality of life during active aging, and if this relationship varies with age. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to examine the relationships among the availability of social resources, memory, depression, and perception of quality of life from three community senior centers in Madrid (Spain) in a sample of 128 older adult volunteers. The results suggest a psychosocial model where the availability of social support improves quality of life and explicit memory, reduces depression in active older adults, and where there are two main elements for understanding quality of life: perception of health and satisfaction. Importantly, age does not modify the interactions between variables, suggesting that their behavior is constant across aging. We concluded that the availability of social resources, understood not only as the people we interact with daily but also other family members, close friends, or institutions that could help in case of an emergency, allows people to avoid isolation and loneliness, increasing satisfaction and well-being in older adults. Professionals and policymakers should promote well-being by incorporating psychosocial variables related to personal satisfaction in the existential project, not only health, functional activity, or a friendly environment. Older adults need to feel that they are not alone, and in this sense, the availability of social resources is key.
Low Psychological Resilience in Older Individuals: An Association with Increased Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and the Presence of Chronic Medical Conditions
The term resilience, which has been present in science for almost half a century, stands for the capacity of some system needed to overcome an amount of disturbance from the environment in order to avoid a change to another stable state. In medicine, the concept of resilience means the ability to deal with daily stress and disturbance to our homeostasis with the intention of protecting it from disturbance. With aging, the organism becomes more sensitive to environmental impacts and more susceptible to changes. Mental disturbances and a decline in psychological resilience in older people are potentiated with many social and environmental factors along with a subjective perception of decreasing health. Distinct from findings in younger age groups, mental and physical medical conditions in older people are closely associated with each other, sharing common mechanisms and potentiating each other’s development. Increased inflammation and oxidative stress have been recognized as the main driving mechanisms in the development of aging diseases. This paper aims to reveal, through a translational approach, physiological and molecular mechanisms of emotional distress and low psychological resilience in older individuals as driving mechanisms for the accelerated development of chronic aging diseases, and to systematize the available information sources on strategies for mitigation of low resilience in order to prevent chronic diseases.
Resistance Training on Elderly Resilience
Background: There is on one hand sufficient evidence showing strong association between resilience and self-rated successful aging. On the other hand, strength training could contribute the cultivation of resilience among older adults. Therefore, the current study aims to examine the effectiveness of resistance training on resilience among Chinese older adults in Hong Kong.
Methods: This study will apply a three-group, double blinded (outcome assessors and data analysts), randomized controlled trial (RCT) to examine the effectiveness of the interventions on resilience, functional fitness, and health related quality of life immediately after a 16-week intervention, as well as the residual effects 12 weeks after completion of the interventions.
Discussion: It is expected that resistance training is promising or even superior to aerobic training in the improvement of resilience. Given the limited evidence on the literature, it is urgently needed to explore the effects of resistance training on the improvement of resilience in older adults. Findings of the current study can contribute to the development of effective resistant training programs for the promotion of resilience among older adults.
Successful aging: focus on cognitive and emotional health
We review the definitions, predictors, and biobehavioral determinants of successful aging, as well as the evidence for and mechanisms of underlying selected interventions to enhance cognitive and emotional health in older adults. Defining successful aging has proven difficult, with discrepancies seen among biomedical, psychological, and lay perspectives. Although consensus is lacking, a number of studies have examined the genetic, lifestyle, and social determinants of operationalized determinants of successful aging; qualitative examinations of the meaning of the construct have also been conducted. The determinants coincide with fundamental aspects of aging. Recent clinical trials suggest that caloric restriction, physical activity, cognitive intervention, stress reduction, and social programs may enhance cognitive and emotional health in older people.
In the Moment and Feeling Good: Age Differences in Mindfulness and Positive Affect
Although aging is often associated with several negative outcomes (e.g., declines in physical health), older adults generally report more positive and less negative affect than younger adults. The mechanisms underlying this “well-being paradox” are not clearly understood. In the present study, we examined whether differences in trait mindfulness accounted for age differences in affect. Community-dwelling younger (n 123, Mage
28.63 years) and older adults (n 117, Mage 68.10 years) completed measures of affect and mindfulness. Older adults reported significantly more positive affect and mindfulness than younger adults. Negative affect did not differ by age. After controlling for mindfulness, positive affect no longer differed by age. That is, mindfulness significantly mediated the relation between age and positive affect. An alternative model in which positive affect mediated the relation between age and mindfulness was not supported. These findings suggest that age-related increases in trait mindfulness may contribute to age differences in emotional well-being. Implications of these findings for health and well-being in younger and older adults are discussed.
Improving Sleep Continuity Through Mindfulness Training for Better Cognitive Ageing. (MIST)
Poor sleep quality is a known risk factor for cognitive decline in the elderly. Hearteningly, sleep is also a prime target for behavioral modification. In this study, the investigators propose to test mindfulness-based training (MBT) as an intervention to improve sleep quality by reducing sleep fragmentation, and hypothesize that these improvements will mediate the beneficial effects of MBT on sustained and executive attention. MBT consists of a suite of techniques aimed at enhancing awareness and acceptance of one’s internal (e.g., thoughts and feelings) and external experiences in the present moment. Learning these techniques has been shown to improve sleep quality in patients with primary insomnia, and in other conditions associated with sleep disturbance. There is also increasing evidence that mindfulness training enhances multiple facets of cognition, including components of attention. In this study, the investigators will recruit 120 participants in a randomized controlled design, with 60 participants receiving MBT, and 60 receiving a sleep hygiene education and exercise program (SHEEP). Each intervention will last 8 weeks. Before and after the intervention, the investigators will collect objective and subjective measures of sleep quality, resting-state and task-related functional magnetic resonance imaging scans, and performance on standard laboratory tests of attention. The investigators hypothesize that, relative to SHE, MBT will result in significantly greater improvements in sleep quality and attentional metrics. They also predict that the cognitive changes will be mediated by the changes in sleep quality. If a positive result is found, this would indicate the use of MBT as a cost-effective behavioral intervention to stabilize or even improve cognition in the elderly, thus reducing the risk of dementia in this vulnerable population.
Self-compassion: a resource for positive aging
Self-compassion has been associated with psychological health in young and multigenerational samples. This study investigated whether self-compassion may be associated with subjective well-being (positive affect [PA] and negative affect [NA]) and psychological well-being (ego integrity and meaning in life) in older adults. It also assessed the structure of the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS; Neff, 2003a) in older adults.
Mature and Older Adults’ Perception of Active Ageing and the Need for Supporting Services: Insights from a Qualitative Study
The improvement in life expectancy, economic conditions, and technological and medical progress have radically changed the demographic structure of many societies. Since many countries now have an ageing population, by adopting a life-course study perspective, this paper aims to explore the needs of older adults (over 60), and the currently adult population which will become older in the coming decades (50–60 years). In detail, the study investigates the lifestyles of the target populations by focusing on two main areas concerning health (healthy diet; attitudes towards physical activity) and socio-relational-housing and living conditions (social housing, senior co-housing in rural environments, etc.). A qualitative study was carried out based on 16 in-depth interviews developed over one month (February 2022). The conduct of the interviews was supported by the Italian Center for Sensory Analysis (CIAS). Emerging from the results, the concept of active ageing is perceived by mature and older adults in a positive and optimistic way. The sample considered want to re-engage in life, continuing to be active, useful, and maintaining their self-esteem, social life and independence. However, despite older people’s major concerns being preserve their physical abilities and social integration, this target group adopts behaviours focused more on current well-being rather than worrying too much about how this well-being will change as they age.
Building community resilience beyond COVID-19: The Singapore way
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been described as a storm. It has affected over 215 regions/countries and the number of cases worldwide has reached 42,003,0601.
Singapore is an independent, multi-ethnic city-state with a population of 5,704,000. Having experienced severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003, the Singapore healthcare and surveillance systems have enhanced its pandemic preparedness responses. Despite coping and adapting well to contain the first wave of COVID-19, the systems were put to the test with an increase in the percentage of untraceable transmission within the community and widespread transmission among the migrant worker population. As of October 23, the city-state has recorded 57,941 cases of COVID-19 infection [1]; of this, 94.04% (n=54,492) were linked to migrant workers living in dormitories [2]. The nation’s fatality rate of 0.05% is below global average (4%) [1]. Since the initiation of a nation-wide stay-at-home measure (circuit breaker) on April 7, the number of new cases and unlinked cases in the community has decreased significantly. Public health interventions such as contact tracing, enhanced surveillance testing in the dormitories have also lead to earlier detection and quarantine, thus preventing further uncontrolled transmission among migrant worker living in the dormitories [3].
While Singapore has made significant attempts to strengthen its epidemiological response to pandemic crises, it is uncertain whether the society is sufficiently resilient from the perspective of public health emergency preparedness, public hygiene practices as well as civic-mindedness. Singapore’s experience thus far suggests that efficient and capable healthcare and surveillance systems alone are not sufficient to ensure success in the containment of a pandemic. The current COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the international system with tremendous impact on the public health system, and the daily lives of all individuals.
Community resilience as a framework can help us to better understand a community’s persistent capacity to overcome and rebound from adversity. Based on the conceptual framework by Anita Chandra and colleagues [4], components of community resilience include a number of domains: physical and psychological health, communication, social connectedness and integration and involvement of organisations (Fig. 1). An equally important element that has not been emphasised sufficiently in this framework, is civic-mindedness and social responsibility [5,6]. Indeed, collective responsibility, and the sacrifice of individual desires, is key in fighting COVID-19 [7,12], especially in the protection of vulnerable and at-risk populations.
Resilience, the ability to resist or recover from adverse effects of a stressor, is of widespread interest in social, psychologic, biologic, and medical research and particularly salient as the capacity to respond to stressors becomes diminished with aging. To date, research on human resilience responses to and factors influencing these responses has been limited.
Resilience, the ability to resist or recover from adverse effects of a stressor, is of widespread interest in social, psychologic, biologic, and medical research and particularly salient as the capacity to respond to stressors becomes diminished with aging. To date, research on human resilience responses to and factors influencing these responses has been limited.
Ageing as a mindset: a study protocol to rejuvenate older adults with a counterclockwise psychological intervention
Although ageing is generally perceived as a biologically determined process, the literature increasingly points to the importance of psychological factors in the ageing process, specifically age-related stereotypes or cognitive mindsets. Such stereotypes reflect self-perceptions and others’ perceptions about the ageing process and can have a strong influence on health and life satisfaction, specifically through self-fulfilling prophecy mechanisms. This study aimed to investigate whether changes in mindsets can change the ageing process.
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